Saturday, June 11, 2011

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl is a classic that every generation should read. Although the Lexile level is a 1030, it is written in obviously a diary format which makes it easier to read. The content and the different cultural references and wording do however make it difficult to comprehend.

For those who do not know Anne Frank was a Jewish girl who hid in an attic with her family and another family and their son in Amsterdam during World War II. With the help of outside friends they survived for two years before someone reported them in 1944, and the Gestapo came, found them and took them to the camps. Anne’s diary was found after the raid. The diary shows how she felt about war and during the formidable period of her life despite her circumstances.

This book should be read by everyone at least once in his or her life. The copy my daughter is reading now has an introduction by Eleanor Roosevelt (which is so cool) and who calls it a remarkable book.

Lexile Level 1030
ISBN-10: 067182449X
258 pages